Thread: What do i need?
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Old 03-08-2013, 10:39 PM   #15
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Re: What do i need?

Ok to get back on topic sorry to run off the rails so to speak, I sometimes go off in my own direction trying to make a point. Now to tell you more about what your gonna need, tell me more about what you have itis it a short bed with good paint on it now or does it need to be stripped to bare metal? is it a short or long bed? Are you changing colors? Answer me a couple of those and I can better get you what your looking for. Oh I am a big fan of the sanding blocks I havnt use the dura brand but I undrstand they are good products. I use the ones that are from ARE and they came from SUMMIT racing and they have the removable steel rods in them to make them adjustable in their flexability. The palm held DA sander I mentioned earlier is awesome I paid about 50 or 60 bucks for mine. the paint guns are fine but maybe overkill if you did not want to spend that much you can buy the cheaper ones there are some availble from the same place that has the sander with a couple of guns simalar to the devillbiss pack just without the fancy case and the name for about half that money. Keep in mind that a million dollar paint gun can still paint a crappy car paintjob if it is not prepped right and the gun is dirty. Jim
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