Thread: What do i need?
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Old 03-08-2013, 11:40 PM   #16
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Re: What do i need?

Thanks Hugger. That's what I was thinking about the bc,cc. It's a little more forgiving. I'm going to get it from the body shop tomorrow. I'll take some pics when I get it home. But it's a swb two tone light blue and grey. The clear coat is coming off but the body looks to be in pretty good shape. I beleave somebody repainted the grey in the middle one time. It has alot of bondo in one side of the bed.
I'm going to have somebody come replace my cab corners for me. Being my first projest I'm not wanting to to get into it too much. Don't want to tare it down. Wanting to do a different color blue and grey/ silver.
I all ready have new seals, lights, grill, grill molding,rear bumper, mirrors, one piece window kit, and whole rear window.
Just got to take the windows out and get my tools and supplies. If you have any tips on getting the windshield out without cracking it let me know.
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