Re: What do i need?
The best I recall the rear glass does not have a center locking bead like the front does, cutting is an option and if your replacing the rubber it may be your best one. If not go inside the truck and say start at the bottom close to the middle and start lifting the rubber up and pushing on the glass, the goal here is to walk it out. The way this type of glass is installed is with the glass off of the truck and the rubber put on the glass then a rope or twine somewhere in the 1/4 inch or a little larger range placed in the groove around the rubber. That grooe is the same one that is the pinchweld on the truck. Ok, so now you have the windshield or glass with the rubber on it and the rope in the pinchweld groove now you want to lube it up with something I suggest dawn It is some slick stuff and won't hurt the finish and can be washed away. Oh, I forgot to say that the rope should have acouple of feet hanging out extrajust so you can grab a hold of it. Now cplace the glass [assembly] on the pinchweld and start pulling on the rope while applying a little pressure on the outside of the glass. It should start sliding onto the pinchweld really soon once you get to the corners you can make sure you are fitting good and in the right spot so the other side will fit well too. Once you get close to some where between a 1/4 to 1/2 way around you may want to start pulling on the other side of the rope and get it started going on the pinch as well. Once you go all the way around and you get to the end you will have installed a glass. Now that I have described the install process it may be a little more simple to understand the removal. That is why I was telling you to start in the center and start rolling the rubber and trying to push out over the pinchweld but with the age involved it probably would be best to cut the rubber