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Old 11-13-2003, 05:37 PM   #1
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any interest in 70 custom LWB parts, northern cal?

I am getting ready to make a decision about this 1970, sort of faded/rust-colored/orange-brown LWB that I need assorted parts off of. Since it won't be sold to me in parts, I have to buy it whole.
So then I'd part it out.

What's bad: Anything related to the front driver's corner is bad, including the frame... and the hood got slightly tweaked in the process. Carb and radiator stolen from it.

What's good: Just about everything else, but I'd be keeping the doors and the tailgate w/assembly. I remember the cab to be rust free, it has A/C, but I'll be taking that for myself. 2K on rebuilt 350 engine. Tranny could go to.

Talk to me, I'll get pictures this weekend.

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