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Old 03-22-2013, 11:28 AM   #1
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Need some helpful advice.. '69 c10

I was recently givin' a '69 Chevy c10 fleetside with a 350 engine. The truck hasn't ran I assume in the last 10 years, since that is the last time it was tagged.
I am fairly new to carburated engines though I am not knew to working on cars, just mostly worked on smaller imports.

I have been trying to get this thing to start up for a month or so now. I can't get it to fire. I have replaced the battery, ignition coil, point set, condensor, distributor cap/rotor, ignition switch/cylinder, and spark plugs. I have no spark at the plug or at the cap. It turns over and is getting fuel pressure, all it does is crank though.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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