Well, after the last update, I can say that a whole load of changes have gone on in the various spaces Ashley has created.
I get the feeling he prefers to do stuff, rather than just talk about it. So posting updates are less important than actually getting out there and doing stuff.
I had a job interview in Portsmouth yesterday, about 5 minutes and less than a mile from his place.
So I took the torches I had made for him for the "manspace" over.....
When I got there at 10.15, I found the man busy in the kitchen.
Making some Bacon Butties.... and coffee.
These were quickly dispatched, Thanks a lot mate, they were rather good, in fact, very good.
Of course we went and had a good look at the garage, its contents, and his games room.
I have to say, the photos do not do any of the stuff he has made, any justice. It is as good as you can imagine.
While out there, he produced this book and gave it to me..... just how much better can a day get?
Ashley has also been collecting some number plates for me while doing his day/night job, and gave these to me before I left for the interview.
Included was this mini cab taxi license plate.
And possibly the most important sign ever.....
It will be going down the end of the drive at the garage, so then I can leave a sign on the house front door to say I am at the "back-END" if people come knocking.
So a great day out, meeting a cool guy and getting to feed both my belly and my hobby/habit.
Today the postman knocked and delivered this old sign, liberated 30-plus years ago by a certain Andy, member on various forums.
So another great sign to add to my slowly growing collection of random signs.
Once I have re-arranged the garage and created some new spaces, all my signs will be going up again.