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Old 03-24-2013, 01:29 PM   #1
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72 Highlander for sale (ad) - not mine

I was looking into this truck, considered buying, but am gonna pass - already have one med olive truck that I can't seem to find the time to work on so this would have only made me feel more lazy! so thought I'd pass this along. Personally, I believe it's a good deal. I received the SPID from the seller and it is indeed a Highlander B package truck. Seller was firm on $2800, and I would be too. Steering wheel is a bit crusty, and perhaps indicative, or perhaps not. Either way, I think it's probably worth the asking price, but over to you all - but if you like Highlanders, they aren't very common, and not in decent condition like I think this one is - would need work, but a great starting point. If it sounds like I'm trying to promote it - I'm not, I just really like this ol thing. You can be your own judge of course. Seller is a dealer and was responsive to my call/email.
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