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Old 04-18-2013, 09:50 PM   #15
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Re: 5 speed or 6 speed.

3500's make good boat anchors. Use the 4500 and it will last almost forever.

BTW 1/2 tons could come with everything under the sun depending on year...2.56, 2.73, 3.07, 3.08, 3.42, 3.73 and 4.10. Id keep the 4-speed if I had 3.08 and taller. but since you want to go to 4.10's, change away. Just remember not to lug in 5th and you will never have a problem.

Of course this comes from a guy that use to stoplight race a stock 78, 350, 4-speed, 3.07's and 4x4. Put the truck in the low side (which divides your gearing in half) and open front hubs and this makes the rearend just like having 6.14's. The local racer guys could never figure out how i could beat them all day long and still run a buck 30 down the interstate.
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