Thread: Cab moving...
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Old 05-17-2013, 11:06 AM   #9
Project Heaven in my 67!!!
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Location: Bosqueville, TX
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Re: Cab moving...

Ok, so now the moment that everyone (including myself) has been waiting on! Movement of the cab without the use of a lift! So here is how I did it:

Name:  Cab in the air.jpg
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I used 6 ratcheting straps. two big ones to pic the cab up. I used the rocker panel underneath and wrapped the strap around there from front to back on both sides. In order to prevent the inevitable cab roll forward due to the weight of the firewall, I used a couple of straps, hooked to the lip on the firewall and ran them over the top of the cab and all the way to the rear of my 30 X 40 shop and hooked to the beam on the back wall.

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Then to prevent the cherry pickers from rolling towards the cab and damaging the doors under the weight I strapped them to the outer walls on the workshop. You can see the black strap on the upright bar on the cherry picker in this pic.

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Then it was slow and steady and when we had it high enough to clear the drivetrain we pushed the rolling chassis under it. It probably wasnt the safest way but we made sure to stay clear of the cab and never got underneath it. It was an adrenaline rush but it worked out great!

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So now we have the cab mounted!
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