Originally Posted by Southern Shaker
Hey guys .
Well after a come to god talk with a few friends an the Lady friend i spend about 10 hours a day out messin with one of my trucks. Im in high school and i dont socialize much ive realized lifes to short an i need to start livin more so im not doing anything crazy with my truck im gonna get it all together prime it paint er a flat army green primer an paint a set of steelies black with some rough country tires an caller good to go , my trucks pretty rough as it is so im just gonna bite the teenage bullet and have fun with her an live a little. so basically im sayin my trucks ending up a plain jane D/D till i find a better truck then ill start back up on the Restoration . Like GASoline71 said Just have fun with her haha or somthin like that ,
LOL... You'll enjoy it waaaaaaayyyyy more when you stop trying to fix what ain't broke, and tearin' it apart for the sake of tearin' it apart.

You're young... get 'er back together and run the dirt roads in it with your buddies... hit the hamburger joint to check out girls, tinker with it when it NEEDS it, basically... drive the hell out of it and have fun in the process.
When I was your age I ran around in a beat up 1963 Chevy C10 with a 283. My buddies and I beat the hell out of that truck, and loved every minute of it. The only time I worked on it was when I broke something, or something meeded replacing (like a starter or generator/alternator). I rewelded that frame so many times... I got rerally good at using an arc welder to patch up all the cracks and tears. I was only 17 the day I sold it (for $100 bucks!), and it still had river mud caked up in the fender wells.
My point being... is that ol' '63 was the coolest truck I've ever owned... and it was bone stock with only one hubcap left. I don't regeret selling it, because it was a hunk of crap... but I had fun in it! So get out there and drive it... but most important... get off the interweb with a bunch of old truck dorks (me included), and go have fun! You'll thank me later!