Thread: Lowering my '69
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Old 05-21-2013, 06:09 PM   #7
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Re: Lowering my '69

Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter View Post
That's an alignment shop issue. Regardless of the added shims, if they fell out, they weren't tightened properly. Sounds like they left the upper control arm nuts a bit loose to begin with.

If you're on a budget, you can cut a coil from the front springs. That will net you right at 2 inches of drop. It shouldn't be any issue for alignment at that mild of a drop

In the rear, you can run 4 inch springs without relocators. It won't ride as well as if you had them, but it will work. Over the years, lots of guys, myself included, did it this way and ran many miles just as happy as can be.
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okay cool. I wanted to go with a 3"/6" but ECC doesnt sell the 3" front coils and also said I couldnt go with 3" front coils cause I need drop spindles. I refuse to go disc brake. I actually love drum brakes. It makes for an adventure. Anywho I guess I could of orderd just the rear but way to expensive on shipping. Plus I live maybe 10 miles from CPP and truck shop. Gonna plan on buying from one of them by the end of the month. 3/5,panhard bar and shock relocaters for rear and probably an alignment and I should be good to cruise.
Stovebolt-It is painted
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