Re: Replace DOT 3 with DOT 5 Brake Fluid
use dot 5.1 , not 5 , 5 is silicon and will not play well retrofiting your old system , 5.1 is great stuff being compatable with dot 3 and 4 , but has superior performance , higher boiling point , if you had a dot 3 system that was low you could top off with 5,1 , if you put 5 in it would destroy everything . i went thru a 3 year strugle with a brake issue in a 67 chevelle tryed every fluid , 5.1 was best , I tryed wrapin headers , lines , moving line and the brakes would lock after a few miles , even changed headers , turned out the rod from the booster was 1/16 of an inch too long into the master 2 5 cent washers between the booster and master solved the problem , since I have seen the same issue several times .