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Old 05-23-2013, 07:42 PM   #5
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Smile Re: Newbie Rebuilt Engine Advice

BIG Ditto on the break-in info listed above. Most rpm recommendations come in at/around 2000-2500 rpm.
There are a few more things I would recommend, as follows:
First and importantly: Get a good friend to help you...and ask him (or her) to be really patient with you during the first 20 minutes of start up. Then you can them a beer!!...ok, read on:
-Get a drill and the correct tool 'oil pump priming' extension to go down inside where the distributor normally mounts. Also get a simple/basic oil pressure gauge. Attach the gauge to the back top/port on the block to read oil pressure. With the distributor removed, use the drill to run up the oil manually through to where you not only see the oil pressure gauge come up but you should see oil start arriving up at the top of the heads/rockers area.
Also, be heavily prepared for starting the motor up. You don't want to have to shut it down 3 minutes in because you think its running hot or its leaking fuel or some other unneeded detail was left off or not seen to prior to exhaust leaks, smokey area....yada, yada. GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!
Get a fan to run in front of the radiator to keep the temperature down. Get a temperature 'gun' as a back-up and take the odd reading off the engine block and heads.
Expect it to 'smoke' a bit while its burning off some of that new exhaust paint or assembly oil....don't panic.
Watch the temperature, watch the oil pressure, keep the rpm's...NO idling until you've done a full 20 minutes....IMHO.
Don't keep cranking the motor if it doesn't start quickly on first try. STOP, check the timing...double check the timing. Prime the carb slightly and go again.
Ok...thats maybe a little too much info, but hey..I'm a fast typer
Good luck
....for some men, there is experience, skill and effort....for the others...there is visa and UPS LOL
1966 Chevy 1/2 ton (Florida- Red/white)
1972 Chevy 1/2 ton (California- Blue/white)
2005 Chevy Silverado HD2500/Duramax
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