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Old 06-05-2013, 09:12 AM   #1
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Truck not turning No click nothing

My 70 swb wont turn over with the key, no click just dimming lights. The battery is fine cause I can jump across the solenoid and it will crank and start. I pulled the plug on the neutral safety switch and looped a wire from one side to the other and still not start. I pulled the plug off the back of the ignition switch and played around with trying to hot wire it with no luck. I have not pulled the starter and seen if there was any power going to the small wire with the switch on start position. Before I do that I was hoping someone could tell me for sure which wires I need to contact on the ignition switch plug to make it send power to the small wire on the starter, to make sure its not bad. Big red wire is power source, so do I need to jump over the purple wire or do I have to contact multiple wires?

Thanks for any help!! Start is a pain to get off cause its cast nose so its heavy and trans lines and headers don help any.
1970 SWB "old flame"
1967 SWB c10 sold
1972 Elcamino 496
2012 Denali HD dmax
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