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Old 06-15-2013, 08:05 AM   #1
go cyclones
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Location: Ames, IA
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Turn signals don't work

I did a lot of googling but couldn't find info on this particular issue. My turn signals don't work but my hazards do. The only 12v supply I get over the 8 steering column wires is on the black horn wire. I did do a painless harness about four years ago but I think the wire colors are similar. My brake lights and headlights all work. I tore the turn signal switch apart and I would think that either the brown wire or the white wire would power the switches. What wires should power the switches? I just put in a new turn signal switch about a year ago.
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1972 Blazer 4X4 350/700R4
2017 Silverado LT
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