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Old 06-21-2013, 11:10 AM   #1
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DG4 Mirrors - Different Heights?

Been browsing around for a while.... first post though. Searched for my answer but couldn't find anything. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this for me.

I've got a '70 C10 that has the DG4 mirrors but I believe one or both are no longer the original mirror heads. The passenger side is attached to the three mounting arms with a "riser". Can't determine if any trucks were that way originally. My guess is no because I've looked at a million pictures on here and havent seen them.

Granted, without that riser, the bottom corner of the mirror would be blocked by the door, so I guess in a way its useful. I honestly didnt even notice it when I bought the truck, or for a while after for that matter. Didn't bother me until the other day when I let my wife drive it home and she pulled up behind me. Looked in the rearview and the difference in height stood out like a sore thumb.

Any thoughts? Should I see about getting the riser out or is the driver side missing it?
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