in the center of the arms there is a gap where the two halves meet, how much gap do you have exactly ? 3/16" or 5/16" or ?
i have a pair of trailing arms and pair of upper coil spring retainers that i dont need, im right below you so shipping wouldnt be so bad
Randy- Lincoln, IL
-71/C-10(thx teeitup and crews!)350 4+4/CH465(thx 71Chev, GMCPaul, and CPNE)longfleet bed(thnx meathead95)!still building it-
-'84 Z28 H.O. 305 L69 700R4 GT4 3.73
- 1984 Firebird SE 2.8L T-5 GT4 3.73
-1981 Cutlass Supreme, dunno what im gonna do with it yet...
-79 G20 pass van, 350/th350/10bolt
*Paint is overrated
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[This message has been edited by Fast68Chevy (edited March 29, 2002).]