Originally Posted by Ta2Don
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Congrats Grizz!!!
Very nice start, looking forward to watching you Grizzify it! 
Gotta love a 327 with camel hump heads... Until it is time to pay for more petrol that is 
Have fun!
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Thanks Don, camel hump heads are worth the smiles per mile.
I could go to a casino and come back with nothing, or buy a bottle of brandy a day and have just a headache. At least we get memories along with a light wallet.
Originally Posted by markeb01
Outstanding! I am so happy for you, as I imagine are a lot of other members. What does your wife think, and how about driving on the "wrong" side of the road? I think rather than backing down the drive, it might be time for a power steering conversion!
Hi Mark, thanks.
Nicola loves the truck. She is always at least 50% of the decission making power in my mad escapades. Often encouraging me more when I am still cautious.
Power steering will have to wait till I have money to throw about.
A lazy final drive is more important to me, so that I can drop the revs and up the cruizing speed to 70mph.
Most importantly, I would love to evolve our truck like you have done yours over time.
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