Originally Posted by X Army MP
I just got off of work so I ran by the tag agency. They say they won't give me okla plates until the seller fixes the registration. They are even saying walk away. This kind of sux. I've been searching for reasonably priced running and driving 67-72 c10 for a while. A guy at work told me his truck is only worth about $1500-$2000 tops. My car worth $3500-$4000. I figured finding a c10 was going to be easy
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Dont give up yet, there are more than one way to get the title thing fixed, I have done this before and its not difficult. Title 42 might be the best way to take care of this. as far as the value of the truck ot just depends on condition and what you are willing to give for it. If you would like to discuss the title 42 I'll PM you my Phone number and be glad to walk you through it.