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Old 07-12-2013, 08:41 PM   #18
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Re: im excited but worried

I would call a different tag office and ask what it would cost to register a truck that was signed by PO in NM and bring it up to date. Dont tell them about the middle man. That is called title jumping and a big no-no in most states. Personally I transfer a vehicle asap when buying and when on the selling side. I turn in the form on the bottom of the title to release myself of any liability. it actually transfers your old vehicle to the new owner even if the new owner neglects to register it. This keeps the seller from being at fault for parking tickets and turnpike fees etc... also keeps this situation from happening. If it were OK to OK you would be paying the back registration. Oklahoma has really gotten strict recently on vehicle registration. I recently had to pay over $200 for being about 6 mos over due on my black tagged 67

Originally Posted by Harpie View Post
I got into something similar when I got my 71 it had not been on the road in numerous years. When I called and asked what it was gonna take to get it transferred and tagged I about fell over and honestly was not gonna be worth it. Then the lady said but if you have a receipt showing its been at a mechanics and has been being repaired like getting a motor rebuilt or installed then I can wave all the fees and it was only like 30 bucks so if the truck is legit and not stolen then you can most certainly get it tagged with no trouble at all in Oklahoma.
I tried that and the tag office said I had to have a real receipt to attempt it and the law expired at the end of the month (last year sometime) and this is no longer an option. You must know somebody or did yours before I got screwed

Originally Posted by big d's red67 View Post
Dont give up yet, there are more than one way to get the title thing fixed, I have done this before and its not difficult. Title 42 might be the best way to take care of this. as far as the value of the truck ot just depends on condition and what you are willing to give for it. If you would like to discuss the title 42 I'll PM you my Phone number and be glad to walk you through it.
This is probably your best bet. I had to do this to register my "not properly registered" 67 from Georgia
Dan <---(my name)

67 SWB C10 project "GEORGIA"-59 Brookwood 2dr wag...Next project-03 Tahoe 4x4 5.3 family ride-07 Hondur Accord, commuter car
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