Originally Posted by 6lcummins
In the nicest way possible... DICK
Bad thing is we have a couple turbos to make that feasible but would need to go electronic injection to make it really scream. IMO
For what we will have in the 455 theres no way money wise to pass that up. Plus it's Dad's baby and we want it to be as close to what he bought as possible.
the simplest longterm allways on tap 500 horsepower way while keeping the engine mostly stock like the exaust and the intakemanifold and all the linkage would still be to use a vortec type compressor and a pressurized box around the carb
you might need to switch the floats in the carb or drill them and put foam in them before soldering them close again if there the hollow brass type so they dont collapse under pressure (still cheaper then a car for boostaplications or fuelinjection )
you do need to add a better feulpump and a boostrefferenced feulpressureregulator even on low boost just to be safe and if you got a vacuum assisted brakesystem and vacuum regulated automatic you need to make sumting work for those
you could use that same pressurized box carb and fuelpressure setup for one turbo
it be a lot more finiky and some more (expensive) exaustfabricating and you prolly need to loose the innerfenders if you dont want to cut intoo them