Re: Accurate Production Numbers
With as many "fire" stories there are at GM it might have some small bit of truth. But in reality there would have had to have been a number of guys running around with flame throwers for weeks to account for everything claimed to have be destroyed over the years. As expensive as document storage and transfer are they were surely dumped. Surely some were saved but individual vehicle documents would be the first to go. Production documentation would be reduced incrementally and generalized as the data became outdated.
Most of the production catalogs agree within reason to be based on some records but there are many many holes that repeat some models and delete others. If I could I would love to be able to breakout a vehicle by total production, plant, series, model, trim, driveline and scheduled build date.... reality is it is not going to happen.
Go with the books it is close enough. The lower the production number the more source blending will help establish a true number.