Thread: kick panels
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Old 08-09-2013, 03:37 PM   #21
Geos 72
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Re: kick panels

Steve, I just had to tell you both my speakers are now covered. I found two 6 1/2" Spark-o-matic speakers that I had from many years ago in my shed. I took one of the grills off and seen it was a 3 way, like I put in the panels. I took the grill and tried it on the drivers side and it fit perfect with room between the grill and the parking brake pedal so I put the other one on the other speaker. Better yet there is no name on the grills so anyone that looks in won't know the speakers are Pioneer. What a break, now I don't have to worry about hitting the mid range when I use the parking break. I just wanted to tell you. George
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