Thread: 69 Turquoise
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Old 09-09-2013, 02:18 AM   #6
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Re: 69 Turquoise

Thanks. It is honestly a pretty solid truck except for some rust in the cab corners.

Wideside72, it's actually listed as turquoise on the SPID panel. Apparently it was a one year only color, which is why there aren't really repro pieces for it. I have entertained the idea of painting a dash pad, but I don't know how it would hold up.

Mister-B, I really like the turquoise, and will probably paint the truck the same color when I get to it. At the moment, I'm liking the patina. I wish the fenders didn't need a repaint.

If I do repaint the truck the same color, I'll probably keep the turquoise interior and give it a black dash pad, etc. An accent of sorts.
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