Originally Posted by robertnfrappuls
I was thinking more of repro parts for the black accents. How difficult is it to dye parts? I think it might be tough for the metallic turquoise. Would I need to start with white pieces in order to dye them?
I used vinyl interior paint with good results. Make sure the parts are clean and degreased, and use an adhesive promoter first. I'm with you. I think it'll be difficult to get interior vinyl paint to match. If you just get some regular spray paint whipped up to match as close as possible, you might likely wind up with looking like you have spray painted vinyl... that won't last very long. Maybe you can find some vinyl paint that'll match, or there's someone that can match it, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Besides, going with another factory color that's readily available comes far from making an individual foolish. It simply means you're going with a color the truck 10 behind yours got on the day it was built at the factory. You've heard both sides. It's your truck, and color is about a personal preference as it comes, so do what makes sense for you.
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