My point earlier was simply,why dye a good piece of rare non-reproduced colored upholstery with a color that you can buy the vinyl in? You could probably sell that rare piece for more than what it would cost to replace with the common color and a dyed piece is inferior to a piece that is that color throughout. And,you'd be helping someone having trouble finding the rare color. That's how I look at it. I got the impression you wanted to stay with the original color,anyway. That's awesome you already have an offer for what you need. So much for "patience" and "searching". It found you...FAST!
Originally Posted by clinebarger
Are you saying Turquoise is a GMC only color?
I was thinking it was a '69 GMC-only color,but I guess I had that confused with the '72 Terrace Blue that is GMC-only...may bad. '69 was a year for unique colors and all but one are shared between Chevy & GMC,which is unusual. I should have checked first.
As far as color matched dye goes,a quality automotive paint supply house can easily make a can of vinyl dye in any color you want to match exactly,either by code or by scanning. It isn't paint and will have the proper luster and flex characteristics for the application. Just tell them what it's for.