Re: If only I could give the previous owner a big -O- hug
Yep....Buyer Beware. When my son and I got his truck 'Nancy' in January of 2012 I thought I had done a good job of inspecting the truck - knowing what I was getting into - meaning I had a good feeling of what we needed to do to get her safe for the road. Unfortunately it was cold and raining and sitting on gravel so I did not 'fully' inspect under the truck. Long story short - I don't know how we made it the twenty miles home. The tranny case was cracked and leaking. It was a 1000 dollar lesson. Good news it was an awesome father son project and Nancy is in tip top shape now. Even better news was finding out she is a real Cheyenne Super. The dealer said it wasn't a real Super because it was a 1971 model. He was wrong. I do wish I had of known the tranny was bad because I could have used that to lower the price but getting a Super helps ease that mistake.