Re: Rust protection?
Maaannny years ago I lived in northern Az. I lived both 60 miles west of Flag and 60 miles east of Flag. Winters in northern Az. were always something! But, what I remember the most is the constant blowing of Adobe. Dust year around until it rained, then Adobe mud. Now, to my point--- The undercoating with oil, while an idea that will work, poses a different issue in the southwest. If you coat with oil---then get a coating of adobe (dust or mud), you end up with a very hard coating. As long as the oil is present on the surface you would be protected--but as the oil evaporates it will be replaced by moisture which will be trapped to the metal surface.
I have bought some resto projects out of Az. down thru the years and while the lower humidity and lack of moisture usually makes those vehicles far superior to projects from the mid west or other areas--I have found that on some vehicles where the adobe trapped moisture, the rust was as bad as it would be from anywhere else. (plus, the adobe coating almost has to be chiseled off) I honestly believe Id rather go with a chemical based coating or sealer.