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Old 12-11-2003, 10:27 AM   #21
Senior Member
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Shelbyville, KY
Posts: 3,261
Rear of your hood sticking up can be adjusted down without new hinges if you know the secret.

Disconnect the battery before doing most things on your truck.

The best running trucks are rarely the best looking trucks.

NEVER trust an e-bay description of truck stuff.

Write down or file good ideas before you forget, them for the 10th time.

The best calendars are always hanging in some guys dirty old barn, garage or shop.

A women who appreciates old trucks/cars is a rare find. IF she is also good looking, then she is really rare. If she has money and likes you~~~~then she is a keeper---at least for the night!!

Buy 2 of every good tool you get as you will loose the first one within a few days and not find it for months.

It's almost impossible to come up a problem that no one else on this board has had and fixed.

Buy low, sell high.

There is NO SUCH THING as a rust free 67-72 truck---it's just hidden somewhere that you can't see waiting to come out right after you buy it.

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