Here's my .02 cents:
Everyday's a Holiday (Dad)
Always keep a Map in the glovebox, Pantyhose (in case you break a belt, you dirty fools),a blank check in your wallet (you can always right a check to cover your arse), a fire extinguisher, and a can of fix a flat!
Write down the year vehicle every part for your truck comes off of. I've got a '97 s10 fuel door filler, etc., etc.
Always disconnect the battery before working on electrical!
The number 1 rule for buying parts (after the wife finds out):
It's always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission!
In some states it IS cheaper to keep her!! (from a buddy)
There ain't Nothin' that can't be fixed (with enough money), or rigged(for us poor folks)
1972 C20 Suburban- Big Blue Betty
'56 Chevy Bel Air Sedan- Frame up Restoration
-What would you attempt to achieve if you knew you could not fail?-
-I Refuse To Tiptoe Through Life, Only To Arrive Safely At Death's Door-
Last edited by jorgensensc; 12-12-2003 at 12:05 AM.