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Old 11-07-2013, 11:40 PM   #20
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Re: 4 Speedwarning Gauge Clusters & NOS Parts

Wow sorry guys the last post I was aware had been made on this thread was the one by PT. So I must have missed the board email to me notifying me that LeddZepp had posted then I received a email tonight with Tbone64's last post. I have no problem with you all working something out amongst you to split this package up as long as everything ends up being spoken for. I had thought the thread had just died off and had recently looked at all of them thinking well I guess I should put them back up for another 10 years or so which I was hating to do cause I was trying to reduce my unintentional hoarding of parts I've done through the years and it had already been 10 years + since any of these had been out of storage here.
Thanks for the heads up T-Bone your post made it to me.
Paul @ GMCPauls
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