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Old 11-08-2013, 09:50 PM   #3
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Re: Blue oil press wire w/Gauges

Originally Posted by davepl View Post
My truck has the gauges package, which includes a hard line to the oil pressure gauge.

The M&H engine harness I bought has the blue wire that would otherwise drive the idiot light. I'm -guessing- that this is unused and should be just taped off, unless I wanted to get fancy and add my own light somewhere.

But does anyone know for sure what the factory did? Or was there a different harness for trucks with gauges?
I have the same harness as you, was considering putting a 'T' fitting at the back of the engine for the sending unit, but it just looked weak hanging off of the 'T'. Ive also heard of a plug above the oil filter, but couldnt find it

Thought it would look cool with one of those jeweled lights on my dash for the oil light, just to get my attention if i missed the gauge reading

I think M&H put that wire in there just in case you wanted to go either way, but it drives me nuts just to have a unused wire hangin there
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