Thread: Canada parts to give away
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Old 11-10-2013, 03:26 PM   #1
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parts to give away

I have parted and collected way too many parts for these trucks, and would like to give away a few. No sheet metal, mostly the little parts that everyone looses, . just to give an example I have 5 AC sets probably only two complete ones, but I have no idea what is in set as they came to me in boxes.

door glass and panels, wing windows, various mouldings, emblems, etc etc.
Deluxe side markers, windshield wipers, door and hood hinges, tail lights, signal lights
Probably best for the guys north of the border, that can come over and pick through what i have..

Lots of guys sending PMs about a specific part, can you help me out and post of picture of what you need so I can get it right the first time.
67- 72 Parts collecter

Last edited by classicchev; 11-11-2013 at 06:43 PM.
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