Originally Posted by Duck.E
After looking at it closer the belt does sit too high, it's not flush at all and I can see where the belt is hitting in the groove and there is still untouched pulley deep in the groove. I have both the belt u see in the pic and a cogged one on the inside, but again, both sit too high. I'll have to get another one with a smaller V.
Originally Posted by Duck.E
I have tried long and short belts, napa, gates, dayco, generic, loose and tight and no change at all. I'm about to throw in the towel. Only thing I can think of is a different setup, maybe go to a driverside mount instead of passenger.
But you said the belt doesn't fit the pulley. Good chance that's your problem. Are you not able to find one with the correct width and angle?
How does the belt fit the waterpump pulley? If it's good, you might have the right belt, but need a different pulley on the alternator.