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Old 11-17-2013, 10:37 PM   #18
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Re: Gauge cluster upgrade

I know that changing those pins has to work, but it didn't for me. I put a cluster in my 68 GMC that was a brand new [rebuild] by a member on here that does real nice work. I followed the instructions to the T and even took more time than I should have doing it. I had a different cluster plug and changed over to and used some pins from it to the ones that had to be added. When I got done all that worked was the speedo and it made a noise every time it came to a 0 on the tenths side! I only drove it about ten miles after I put the tac/vac in it [and a tilt at the same time] but it is next on the list to come to the shop for frame-off/swap rebuild as a short truck any way.So maybe then I will get it figured out. I have another truck in the shop now plus another inline to be built, and I have tach dashes for them all So maybe I can find out what my problem is/was with the other. I know it has been done to death, other have done it right? Jim
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