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Old 11-18-2013, 05:56 PM   #16
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Re: adjust idle speed without tach

Originally Posted by bbcmudtruck View Post
It can be hooked up to either side of the motor. So seeing one on the passenger side is completely normal. Its just the way the p/o put the motor together. I like to run my pcb exactly like the one pictured. Its the cleanest/most direct way to run it in my opinion. As far as your idle goes, just adjust it so that your not lunging forward when you let off the brakes. It may want to creep forward, but as long as it doesn't want to take off and drive, you'll be fine. A very good and cheap investment would be a vacuum gauge. You can tune your carb and your timing with just a vacuum gauge. Easy to use and you will use it more than you'd think! There has to be at least a dozen things you can do with a vacuum gauge to help you with your motor.
I agree. That is how my PCV is installed. A vacuum gauge is inexpensive and in my opinion, a "Must" for fine tuning. With the exception of a mild RV cam and a few Carburetor mods, my engine is stock. I'm sort of fanatic when it comes to tuning. I'm happy when I can pull up to a light and can't feel the engine running. I've even gone as far as placing a glass of water on the air cleaner and adjusting the idle screws until the ripples almost disappear.
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