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Old 11-19-2013, 11:44 AM   #7
RAT1968 '68 Cab/'71 Parts
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Re: Alt and One Wire Failure Pics

Originally Posted by VetteVet View Post

OK, going back and looking at the alternator and thinking about what you have said. I think you have a newer CS style alternator that came after the SI series internally regulated alternators.
They started in the late eighties and were completely different.

Look for the letters P L I S on the plug into the alternator. Some of them required that the red/blue wire plugged into the S terminal and the brown/white wire plugged into the L terminal.
Others only needed to have the brown wire plugged into the L terminal and the voltage sensing was done internally. The corrosion on the white wire might explain why the alternator quit
charging or the alternator went Tango Uniform on you.
Right as usual VV. I can't thank you enough for this. It's crazy what keeps me rolling around on the pillow these days. Silly, really.

Using your info, I see it's a CS130. The markings, as you suggested, are on the plug in the case (as shown) and the adapter to one wire (as shown) connects at the "F" pin.

Of course, I have no idea of what goes on inside the one-wire adapter, except that it comes out as one brown wire that, in turn, snaps into to the next connector that carries the
blue and white wires and is in question.

All four of the wires Bl, W, R and Bn run from there into another Mystery Connection, and seemingly terminate there, instead of into the Voltage Regulator. Again, I have no idea
of what is happening inside there. Then, everything disappears into the depths of that part of the harness next post pic). I'll ass-u-me that the red wire is the same that runs over
to the "hot-block" on next to the battery.

I'll do some heavy reading today. Thanks to 67 Chevelle...(Thanks, much, for that too). That may tell me as much as I can absorb.

But my quandry still is the portion of the puzzle about where the white and blue wires connect to the brown one-wire from the Alt. I DOES look like there's some white corrosion (next post pic)
...Unlikely, but it may be some kind of residual of grease or ???? From looking into the connector there, it's clear that the blade from the brown wire connects to the blue, but I see nothing from
the white except this small amount of fuzz. Could that be the remnants of a blade? Not that it makes a big difference, but the whole harness is less than 400 miles old. And has not been exposed
to water or other elements. I guess the real question, that may be answered by 67 Chevelle's reading list, is, are both blue and white wires supposed to make contact with the brown one-wire?
If so, I'll make sure they do.

And, bigmac, I ordered a new alternator. I couldn't find anyone reputable locally that did the rehab work on these, so I'm taking my chance on a new one.
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