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Old 11-21-2013, 09:22 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Modesto, CA
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NOS Woodgrain Dash Bezel & Tow Hooks

Ok, I have a couple of items that I have collected but have decided to part with due to not having time to work on my build. I may regret selling the dash bezel, as these are getting scarce. The prices are firm, and I am not desperate to sell them. If they don't sell for my asking price, I will just pop them back in the garage and forget about them until later when I can get to them.

1. 69-72 Tow hooks $310 shipped. These have been stripped and painted gloss black. They are very nice.

2. NOS woodgrain dash bezel. $400 shipped. These are really hard to find nowadays. This is the best of the three that I have had in the past 10 years.
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2018 Chevy Crew Cab
2006 Impala SS
1965 Plymouth Sport Fury
1970 Chevy Longhorn
  • Bucket Seats
  • Shoulder Belts
  • Front Tow Hooks
  • Factory Air
  • Factory Speedwarning, Tach & Vaccum
  • Factory Tilt
  • CST Package
  • AM/FM Radio
  • Bumper Guards

70 Longhorn CST Build

Adding an AM/FM Decal
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