Thread: posi swap
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Old 11-26-2013, 05:56 PM   #3
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Re: posi swap

Hi Guys, if you really want to do the rear end repair correctly and have it last you should use a tool called a "case spreader". It works like this, set the backlash and pinion depth with slight drag on the side bearings. Basically not sloppy side to side, and also not pressed (forced in). When you are happy with the results you add .004 thousands to the shim thickness to both side (carrier) bearings. Now spread the case and instill the now wider shims. Release the case spreader and you now have bearing preload (longevity). You would have to pry the ring gear to get it out. I watched alot of guys in the garages i worked in hammer thicker shim stock in and bend them, break the cast iron factory ones, etc, etc. The case spreader is on ebay, a little expensive but isn't the rear end worth it. Bearings are not cheap these days for quality ones. I mention this because i can't remember the last time i've seen somebody mention it . I too broke and bent some until i went to school and went by the gm factory instructions. I would borrow the factory tool from the local dealer and the typical comment would be " what do you need that for, nobody here uses it" Good luck, Brian F. P.s. it bothers me that in todays internet access it isn't mentioned more. I know I'm old school.
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