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Old 12-03-2013, 02:17 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Paso Robles, CA
Posts: 29
Determining Lift Hieght

Hello all,

I know this is a Really dumb question, but is there a way to determine lift height. I had to get a new frame (hit cattle guard!) for my 76 K15. It has an all spring lift kit. My old frame was stock height. The lift kit looks almost brand new. The springs are shaped like an Eazy Ride type. Not sure of manufacturer. The kid I got it from was clueless. He only wanted the body parts for his low rider. The new truck is almost finished. I need to order shocks but I don’t know how to tell if its lifted 4" or 6". I am pretty sure it’s a 4". I will put a pic in here of the truck riding on stock 31's. I will be putting 35" on it Im pretty sure. My sister works at AutoZone and she gets 65% off so I can get $100 Bilsteins for $35 bucks. I just don’t want to order wrong.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You all

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