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Old 12-18-2013, 07:58 PM   #4
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Re: Flushing heater core steps

So, still having the issue of my heater not delivering warm air.

I took two distinct steps.

1. I flushed out the heater core. in the manner below using CLR. Removed the top and bottom hose plugged a garden hose in one end turned it on full blast for about 30 seconds (till the water was clear), then repeated on the other side for about 30 seconds also until the water was clear. At this point I hook everything back up.

2. after hookinh back the heater core I did a full flush of the cooling system. Full radiator drain, Prestone cleaner flush, rinsed it out two times then a full replacement of coolant.

I drove the truck about 1 miles, temp gauge moves up to mid range but the heater never gets warm. What am I missing here?
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