Originally Posted by Marv D
One thing I'll offer as a caution,, the budget tools are one thing, Usually all they do is wear out quick, and consume air in a HUGE (inefficient) way. BUT be cautious of the cheep inferior media like grinding disks and cut-off disks, carbide burrs,, anything that spins at high RPM's. This pict is a bit graphic so don't click on it if you have a weak stomach.....
But here is why I don't buy cut-off disks or grinding disks at harbor-freight or Wallmart or Target, CSK, AutoZone... or any of the crap tool shops.
Hey, at least he has his safety glasses on (LOL) Man that just hurts to even look at!!!
Buy your cutting/grinding media at a good welding store, or a auto bodyshop supply house. Not only will it last and work 10 times better, it's typically a 'get what you pay for' quality at the real supply houses.
Marv D, excellent point! What you drive it
with and
what you drive...especially
cutting wheels, drill bits, grinding discs, can make or break the safety issue.
As your link illustrates...it can be at our expense...hurt or worse.
If it can shatter or break; discs/blades, etc (see above), go for the best
you can get.
Even reamers, & drill bits. Sharp, brittle...they can break & fly...
All it takes is
one flaw at the manufacturing to end to end up with the illustration
that Marv has added to his post. Though he warns us, please do look.
This also goes for
composite cutting/grinding items that may have seen
moisture during storage!
May "look" good and be a good brand...
they can still be time-bombs!
nearly gave away a bunch of big cut-off discs that went to an old cutoff saw
I had (chainsaw-style drive), stored in a damp garage and by the time I looked at
them they were dry and looked great. Thank God I didn't.
Gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it!
BTW---still think these HF air tools, on the most part, are well worth the purchase.