Thread: CA 89' th400
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Old 12-31-2013, 07:48 PM   #16
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Re: 89' th400

Originally Posted by john@thepier View Post
Please forgive my reply and I hope when you see your post brought back to the top that you did not get to excited. I just wanted to comment on the fact that it is unbelievable that it is this hard to get rid of a TH400, I have 4 of these on a shelf in storage and had always hoped they would bring me some good $ if was ever a time when I needed to liqudate. All the best to you, and your sale. The overdrives and 4-5 speeds must have taken over. Doubt the new truckers realize the strenghth of the good ole 400. Myself I could never let one go for less than $400 John
Thanks for the bump and I also though it would be a lot easier to sell a good bullet proof tranny.
I think it's also the time of the year where people spent a lot of money on the holidays and buying parts take a back seat.
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