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Old 01-28-2014, 03:27 PM   #10
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Re: Digital dash options

I got some info on the lmc digital gauges. I called LMC and it was tough to get any info on the setup they sell. It took awhile but finally got them to send me the instructions.
The gauges are made by intellitronix for lmc. I called them and the gauges have a lifetime warranty and intellitronix states if you have a different powertrain need or problem you can send it to them and they will reflash to your needs for free(u pay shipping).
I called because I am putting a newer 700r4 behind a carbed ls motor. The 700r4 is the non cable version and they said just send it in and they will set it up to be plug and play.

So I ordered it.
Intellitronix has a 2 year contract through LMC only to sell it , so you cant get it anywhere else.
Hope this helps. I will review it when I get it but its gonna be a month or so
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