Hey guys I need some help with my build ASAP.
I have Porterbuilt stage 2 front and pro touring rear and I have
A stock replacement ididit steering column with floor shift.
My system came with the unisteer rack.
I can't seem to find any photos of the steering being connected from rack to column. I want to see if I can use one straight rod, with just 2 heim joint instead
Of 2 rods and 3 heim joint.
Any pic, ideas please send them my way.
Nate I'm going to forward this over to you to.
Also I want to run the exhaust out the side of the truck. Does anyone know
Of a company who make a exhaust plate to connect to the side of the truck that will keep exhaust from burning the plate the closet thing I could find was a photo of a Porterbuilt truck
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