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Old 02-23-2014, 04:44 PM   #25
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Re: Having trouble with 3 on tree

Originally Posted by Pflugerman View Post
Question: You said you broke down your column yet didn't take out the shift tubes. Is there an issue to avoid by not taking out the shift tube?
Not really. Once I started taking the column apart, it became evident that the problem in mine was the old dried out grease in & around the lever mechanisms at the lower end. So I just didn't bother with taking it all the way apart.

To get the shift tube out, you have to completely disassemble everything else first ... the shift tube is the last part to come out. The factory service manual recommends standing the mast jacket (that's the main tubular section of the column) upright on the floor and supported on two blocks of wood (so the shift tube can drop out between them). Then it says to push down on the 2nd/3rd lever with your foot while you use a block of wood & hammer to tap on the upper end of the shift tube. It also says that some cases might require the use of a press and warns to be careful not to damage either the shift tube or mast jacket in the process.
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