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Old 03-07-2014, 06:43 PM   #1
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Posts: 6
CPP Grand Slam kit

Hey guys how we doin? first actual post here but ive been watching the threads for a bit, I'm elbows deep into a 68 stepside build with 6 lug drums front and back, originally I planned on doing a cheaper spring drop and do a disk conversion with drop spindles down the road, but now I feel as though I should just do it right the first time. Ive looked into the cpp grand slam kit since I need it all, not just spindles..but obviously Ive read many cpp rants on here, but ofcourse some people have had good luck and some have had bad luck, always goes that way. Anywho, what do you guys suggest? anyone else have a complete kit? Im in no rush to get the parts, should I just go through cpp and cross my fingers since the kit is everything I need?

Thanks for the help!
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