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Old 03-07-2014, 09:52 PM   #9
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Re: CPP Grand Slam kit

Originally Posted by Tx Firefighter View Post
I never really compared prices. It's not apples to apples.

For instance, ECE front end kits require a jug of brake fluid and a tub of wheel bearing grease. That's all you need to supply otherwise. CPP plays games like selling 73-87 spindles and then requiring you to use 73-87 specific parts to install them on your truck rather than just selling you the proper parts. They often send orders out missing hardware, etc. Read the review board. There's countless tales of woe on there about CPP.

Life is too short to deal with bozos. I was ordering from ECE way back in the 90s before there was an Internet and have built a lot of trucks with their parts. Perfection, every time. Absolute perfection.
Listen to this man! I am a victim of this EXACT story which is recent. CPP sent me wrong parts their fault had truck on friends lift and they sent wrong spindles, tie rods, and springs!!! They made me pay for new parts because they wanted me to wait for the return THEN send me the new parts when it was their mistake.!!!! I am in Florida they are in California 5 DAYS each way!!!! This is after speaking and listening to their tech expert! This is my first C10 so trusted them! Big mistake! I said your mistake overnight the parts I have truck in a shop on a lift apart??? We don't do that???!!! They say! Missing bolts, nuts, ect also. Stuff didn't go out for two days, 5 days ground, 7 days!!!! I hate them, terrible service, and attitude! Never again!
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