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Old 03-08-2014, 12:23 PM   #19
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Re: "Your" truck story

I'll tell mine again, My wife and I and are 2 year old had went out to southern Oklahoma to visit her dad. Her parents had divorced when she was little and hadn't seen him in several years so we went for a whole week. Now they are fine folks, and i enjoyed the first day or two, but after watching 12 movies and going out to eat for every meal I had had enough. So their daughters boyfriend and i decided to go scavage some old junk yards he knew of. I found some little goodies wish i would have took pics of the stuff i saw. Anyways on the last day of our trip I went for a country cruise, and off in the distance (funny how we can spot a truck from a mile away huh) I seen a truck sitting at a farmers house fairly close to the road partially tarped so i drove by it didn't seem to be anyone home so i thought what the hell i'm gonna get out n check it out so i walk through the yard looking at it behind a fence and the next thing i know i have two big ugly cowboys behind me asking what the hell am i doing on there property, and let me tell you my first thought was (deliverance) lol. So real politely I just asked if this truck was for sale in if so could i take a closer look. It was hard not to laugh when he said that he would have to talk to his paw bout that. So thankfully paw was a really nice guy that said yes he would part with the truck that originally belonged to his dad. $500.00 bucs and nothing lower. So a 67 step side with perfect cab doors and a great bed no front clip or engine was on the block. I was freaking out cause i've always wanted a small window 67 and just to buy a replacement door is $500.00 bucs. SOLD im a happy man now i gotta figure out how am i gonna drag my new prize back to IL. I dont even have a hitch on my wife's durango. Frantic, Wow the Dodge dealership happen to have one on the shelf and installed it was like $300.00 bucs so off to u-haul for a dolly. I can't believe we actually left town on time pulling my truck home. And no kidding we got out of town a mile and a herd of deer ran right in front of us at 55 mph (Hard Brakes) whew no contact! my first thought is this isn't a good sign. Cant believe it we are crossing the IL state line and make it home with no problems. I still laugh bout this. This was 11 years ago, I haven't actually done alot to the truck cause of raising baby's. A couple years ago I started a frame off It's slow going frames been painted along with inside of cab. I just did a mild drop cab is back on frame with recently new wheels and tires im at the point to finish up brakes. I wonder if i will ever finish it. So thats my story lol
Hi everyone, It's nice to know there's other people just as crazy about these old trucks as I am.
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