My dad bought my 1972 new off the lot. He happened to see it when he and mom were going to the grocery store and he feel in love. Basic stepside, wheel on side, 3 ott, 250 I6.
4.11 2wd.
He talks the guy down $400(!) and adds it to the home loan. He drives it for over 20 years and lets me have it for not "drinking, smoking, dipping, or using drugs till I'm at least 21." I held up my end of the bargain and dad held his. I still have no desire to dip, smoke, or try drugs and I drink but rarely. I've also never been arrested or had any addictions.
I drove it some in high school but parked it for 10 years. I then drove it some around 2004 but it didn't run right. I parked it again for 8 years (garages both times) and now am really working it over. All new fuel line, renewed gas tank, rebuilt/cleaned carb, some new body parts, rebuilt brakes, new cab to frame bushings, new's a couple of pics.